
The information presented on this website about Jane Dancey and Kirstie Seaborne’s work, services, products, programs, events, trainings, models, exercises, and practices is not intended to represent that they are used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor are they intended as a substitute for seeking professional health care advice.  If you are in need of emergency help or feel you need more intensive support, you are strongly advised to contact your local mental health or social services and seek professional advice before making any health decision.

Kirstie and Jane offer education and training, and share empowering practices and techniques that have the potential to reduce compassion fatigue and traumatic tress, increase family resiliency and support individual wellbeing and healing. It is from this perspective that they offer their concepts, exercises, teachings and advice. Although the approach is trauma informed, they do not offer psychological, psychotherapeutic, trauma-therapy or other therapeutic advice and support. They do no offer assessment or diagnosis of a person or situation, and the approach is not designed to take the place of treatment or recommendation from a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional.

To ensure confidentiality, it is requested that nowhere on the website, in its texts, forums, membership sites or comments and message sections do you in any in any way discuss clients, social workers, teachers or children etc without giving them an alias and avoiding any identifying information. Do not disclose names, or refer to anyone in an identifiable way, or give any details of another’s experience or without their permission.

Embodied Families approach is body-centred, using somatics, mindfulness, embodiment practices, movement, individual and partner exercises. Participation in these may therefore elicit emotions, feelings and sensations, which will be treated with great care and expertise, and referral advised as appropriate, but individuals will remain responsible for their own wellbeing. Exercises that involve light touch on the shoulder, wrists, arms, will only be carried out with your explicit prior consent.

The Embodied Families approach designed for personal growth and wellbeing and in this way can be used by licensed social, therapeutic or health practitioners who have attended a certified facilitator training course, as a complementary offering to their work.   It can also be used by non-licensed practitioners who have attended a certified facilitator training course, as a framework for supporting overall parenting capacities, stress management, wellbeing and personal growth and development.

Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using any material contained herein for any particular purpose or issue.  Jane Dancey and Kirstie Seaborne accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website.

Kirstie and Jane take no responsibility for in-correct application of their approach. They give advice and support based on extensive personal and professional experience and training, and do not advocate any particular method or model of parenting. Individuals retain overall responsibility for the children in their care and must take in to consideration the needs of the children they are looking after and ensure that their response to the child is not harmful in any way.

By viewing this website you agree to forever, fully release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless its owners, members, employees, representatives, independent contractors, consultants, volunteers, and others associated with Kirstie Seaborne/Jane Dancey from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, emotional, psychological, financial, loss of data or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the information presented on this website. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Kirstie Seaborne/Jane Dancey and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of Kirstie Seaborne/Jane Dancey. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.

Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Kirstie Seaborne/Jane Dancey takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.