Who We Are

Meet Jane and Kirstie, your embodiment experts and guides 

Jane Dancey

Jane balances being a single Mum to her daughter, with being an Embodiment Facilitator, Senior Embodied Yoga Teacher, and Rites for Girls Facilitator.

A regular contributor to online webinars and conferences, speaking on themes such as embodied meditation, embodied practices and self-care for parents, Jane specialises in supporting and empowering  women through life’s transitions from menarche, to menopause, and beyond.

 Since certifying as a Yoga Teacher in 2006, Jane has trained in Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Kids Yoga, Yoga and mindfulness for Teens, Anusara, Yoga Therapeutics, Pregnancy Yoga, Children’s Yoga, Mother and Baby Yoga and counselling.  

Jane is a sensitive and intelligent teacher, working with somatic, embodied and mindfulness approaches to help cultivate awareness, choice and transformation in body and mind. She emphasises the importance of applying what we learn to everyday life, simply and effectively, so we can experience a greater sense of harmony, ease and wellbeing.  

Kirstie Seaborne

Kirstie specialises in empowerment and trauma-prevention for parents and professionals who are at risk of compassion fatigue and blocked care as a result of caring for children with extreme behaviour challenges.

She is an international embodiment teacher and founder of Embodied Parent Education, which grew from her experience as a foster, adoptive and birth Mum and a university mental health mentor. 

Kirstie is a Certified Leadership Embodiment Coach, Compassion Fatigue Teacher and Compassion Resiliency Educator,  with a Masters in Movement in Education from Laban, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, a Post-Graduate certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies from Bessel and Der Kolk’s Trauma Centre, and Certificates in the ARC Framework (for treating traumatic stress in children and families), Trauma-Informed Care and Mindfulness for Youth.  

Her work draws on various non-violent and therapeutic parenting models, and her study of somatic attachment and relational trauma therapies,  shame transformation, sensory motor regulation, developmental and somatic movement, and interpersonal neurobiology. Clients value her honest, compassionate, non-judgemental approach to working with taboo subjects such as shame, rage and child to parent violence. 

Learn With Us


Coaching and Training

We offer 1:1  coaching for parents and professionals and public and in-house trainings in Embodied Parenting, Embodied Self Care, Unlocking Blocked Care, Shame-Resilient Families, The Attachment Guide for Coaches and Facilitators more.

Ongoing Classes

Rites For Girls
Embodied Yoga Principles
Yoga and Mindfulness for Teens

Special Events

Enrol now on the first ever Embodied Parenting online course, March 18-22.

Contact us if you want us to speak at your event.



What Our Families are Saying

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